Who can have microchanneling?

Microchanneling is a non-ablative procedure and is therefore safe for all skin types. Contraindications are Pregnancy, Uncontrollable Diabetes, Active Herpes Simplex in the treatment area, Dry Skin and any active inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, psoriasis, infection, rash or any type of dermatitis at the treatment site as it may aggravate the condition.

What length of needle should I use on my skin?

It is always better to start with the 0.25mm tip depth. For the most part, you will be very comfortable with the 0.25mm. After the first procedure you can graduate up to the 0.5mm as results will typically be more substantial. If you are very uncomfortable with the 0.5mm tip at that point, you can always come back down to 0.25mm. For hair regrowth treatments these are all done at 0.5mm as this is the optimal depth to stimulate collagen production, blood flow to your scalp and stimulation of stem cells.

Do I need numbing cream?

For the 0.25mm tip, numbing cream is usually not required. For longer lengths, some customers prefer numbing cream. Numbing cream is not used for Hair Regrowth treatments.

How long should I wait in between treatments?

4 weeks in between irrespective of needle depth and treatment area.

How many treatments should I do?

The number of treatments range greatly depending on what we are treating. For light anti-aging and skin rejuvenation 2-3 treatments may be sufficient. For deeper wrinkles and acne scarring, 5 or more treatments may be required to achieve desired results. Hair Regrowth treatments require a minimum of 6 treatments. There is no limit to the number of treatments that one can receive as long as adequate time passes in between each treatment.

How long is the down time?

With 0.25mm and 0.5mm needles it typically only takes a few hours for all redness to disappear (sometimes less). For 1.0mm and 1.5mm this could stretch out to a few days for all pinpoint scabbing to disappear.

How should my face look immediately following a treatment?

There is a very wide range of normal reactions. Anything from little to no reaction, to a deep red flush, to pinpoint bleeding for longer lengths is normal. As this is a non-ablative procedure, more extreme reactions do not necessarily correspond to more extreme results. In general with a 0.25mm or 0.5mm tip you will usually see a pink or red “flush.”

How long before I can expect to see results?

You can sometimes see results from a single treatment very quickly but typically results become visible following your second treatment. Glowing skin from the MicroChannel Delivery Serum is noticeable almost immediately and for the few days following each treatment. You can begin seeing neo-collagenesis (new skin formation) as soon as two weeks after a procedure. For hair regrowth it can take up to nine months to see results, as hair follicles need to go from a resting phase to an active phase.

Can I combine this with other treatments?

Yes! Typically combining treatments will result in more aggressive treatments and longer downtimes but can yield impressive results. Some treatments such as a light microdermabrasion or light chemical peel can be performed right before MicroChanneling as long as the face is then cleaned before starting the MicroChanneling treatment. Do not perform any procedures that involve the use of any topical solutions immediately following MicroChanneling. Light therapy treatments are typically the only treatments recommended post Microchanneling. In general you should always check with your treatment provider first with questions on specific treatments.